Birthday BOY ^.^

Haha . Well ? 13-11-1998 is the date of my Birth . And today's my birthday . Well ? i gotta tell you . this is the WORST Birthday Ever lahh . ==" parents aq smua pgy kerja merata Negeri . And aq tinggal keseorangn and kesepian dirumah . Hmm . aq fhm laa . Aq sedar siapa aq kan . Im just Another Human yg x penting untk hidup diorang . Well ? Semua tu x penting cause PSNI xdak perasaan -,- Hmm . Skrang nie xtau nk buad apadaa . Duk melayan Girl dkat fb je . Hoho . If x halang diorang tdy . Maybe PSNI da dpat 20 ke 28 Skandel da tdy . Muahahaha . xD ! Well ? Today's not that bad laa . PSNI dpat 1098 And blalalala Wish dripd Smua member PSNI . Bgy PSNI . Wish is a present . So, boley tahan la present dpt tahun nie . Well now PSNI genap 3rd teen . So . Mama PSNI x bley salahkan psni yg psni still bdak-2 and x bley main prempuan da Oh . Huhu . Im a big guy now . So, Otak pn kena matanglah ya . Zaman Kebudakbudakbudakbudakdadadakkkkannn da berlanjutan . Here we go . Zaman Keremajaan . (: Wish The Best Of luck to you all yg msih bdak-2 lah k ? Yg x bestnya ZK (Zaman Keremajaan) nie . -,- Dosa kenalah tanggung sendirikan . So, hmm .. X bley buad dosa teruk-2 da Oh . Haha . Okok . I gotta move on . So . guess this is it . Gudbye 13-11 . ^.^